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School of Management

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Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Master of Science in Professional Accountancy

Dual Degree Program in Accounting

The Dual Degree in Accounting provides Marist students majoring in accounting the opportunity to complete a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and a Master of Science in Professional Accountancy (MS/PAccy) in four years and four months

The program is designed to provide Marist students majoring in accounting the opportunity to obtain an additional 30 college credits and a graduate degree to satisfy the 150-hour credits to be licensed as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).  Accounting firms hire accounting graduates to begin their careers in early September.  Accordingly, the MS/PAccy is designed to address the requirement that entering accounting professionals have either completed the 150-credit requirement or have completed a substantial portion with a plan in place to complete the remaining requirements.  


The Master of Science in Professional Accountancy requires 30 credits. For Marist students, up to 12 credits may be earned during the fall/spring semesters of the senior year, with remaining credits during the summer following conferral of their undergraduate degree. 

Fall Semester Senior Year:

Spring Semester Senior Year:

Summer Semester (two five-week sessions and one two-week session):

Program Benefits

  • Meets 150-credit hour requirement for CPA licensing requirement
  • Cost savings – up to 12 graduate-level credits taken at the undergraduate rate
  • Speed to degree – BS and MS earned in 4 years 4 months
  • No GMAT required **
  • Strong faculty relationships with both accounting firms and the corporate community
  • Intern during the busy winter season
  • Career readiness to join accounting firms in September 


Current Marist students may apply their second semester sophomore year. Students with junior status can be admitted provided they can complete 117 credit hours by the end of the senior year fall semester.  

Admission Requirements:

  • Declared Accounting major
  • 3.00 Cumulative GPA
  • 3.00 Accounting GPA
  • GMAT upon request (may be required for those below a 3.00 GPA)

Deadline for Application – April 1 (sophomore status)*

*Applications will be reviewed after April 1 on a case-by-case basis for eligibility.

**If GPA below 3.0, GMAT may be required upon request.


For more information and to apply, contact the MS/PAccy Program Director:

Tracey J. Niemotko, JD, CPA, CFE
Associate Professor of Accounting
School of Management
(845) 575-3000 ext. 3225